Oct 26, 2013

New Printable - $1/1 Rimmel Face, Lip or Nail = $0.50 at Walmart!

(Photo Credit: The Wally World Woman)

We have a new printable available for Rimmel, pick up polish for only $0.50 at Walmart!

These are a great item for gift baskets, if you make them around the holidays :)

Rimmel Nail Polish - $1.50
- $1/1 Rimmel Face, Lip, or Nail (New - Under Personal Care Products)
- $1/1 Rimmel Face, Lip. or Nail Product (9/15 RP) 
- $1/1 Rimmel Face, Lip. or Nail Product (8/11 RP)
- $1/1 Rimmel Face, Lip. or Nail Product (10/27 RP)
= $0.50