Apr 1, 2014

A few tips & tricks to help you get the most benefit from the blog!

I know that navigating a blog can be tricky if you are just starting out - or, with the way I am always changing things, even if you are experienced! 

I wanted to post just a few tips & tricks that even I personally use when searching for deals.

Lets start off with the 'Search' feature

The search feature on my blog does not limit you - simply type the word you are searching for & results will be returned with ANY post that contains the searched word.  Say you are looking for a deal on Snickers, simply type 'Snickers' into the search bar which is located on the top left (pictured above). 

After hitting 'Go' you will see a bar like this just to the right - 

Simply click 'Sort by date' to see all posts containing the word searched in order of most recent posts.  You can then print any coupons or see all store deals pertaining to your search!

Next, lets talk about Labels

Even though I write every single post on this blog, even I sometimes forget about deals.  Every week before I go shopping, I always come to the blog to make sure I have all deals on my list.  The Labels feature can be SO helpful if I only plan on shopping certain stores!

If you come to the blog looking for a certain type of deal, this feature is great for you.  If you come looking for deals that you can only get at Fry's, simply click 'Fry's' within the label box & the blog will only display Fry's deals.  Only want moneymakers?  Click 'Moneymakers' and you will only see moneymaker deals!  Click 'Coupons' to see new printable coupons, and so on!

Along the top of the blog, just below the title, you will see a bar with different pages on it -

Home - will take you back to the home page of the blog, where you can see all deals in order of when they were posted.
Coupon Policies - Click this page to see a list of all stores with a direct link to each stores coupon policy.  Having a printed copy can be VERY helpful if you encounter issues with a cashier!
Printable Coupons - I love my printable coupons page...my favorite part - there are no hoops to jump through if you need to change a zip code! 

If you are following a direct link to a certain coupon that I have posted - simply click the link, enter the zip code that I noted, then refresh the page.  If the coupon is still available it will be the first on the list & pre-clipped for you!

I hope you all are enjoying it here & I hope this helps everyone find more deals to save more money!
If you ever have any questions please don't hesitate to ask!